Sunday, September 4, 2011


Well, it's been a while since my last post, but my heart is full tonight and I want to write.  I've been doing alot of thinking lately about our stories.  God really opened up my eyes last week to how everyday of my life and what I'm going through is just a page in the book of my life.  I never know what that page is going to say, what that chapter is going to be about, what the details that will be surrounding it.  Sometimes its good and fun and joyous.  Then other times it's challenging.  And painful.  But the best part of all...I know Who wrote the book.  I know the Author of my life.  And His endings are always redemptive.  They are always glorious and holy.  They are always beautiful in every way.  And He has an ending for my story.  He has an ending for this chapter of my life right now.  And though the pages from start and the pages in between may be filled with hard days, I know there is an end in sight that is beyond my mind to comprehend at how beautiful and redemptive it will be.  He will bring about His purposes. And His great Name will be glorified.

I guess thats why it makes it easy to serve Him, to love Him.  Because no matter what, He always has my best interest at heart.  He is always working the circumstances of my life to bring me to Him,  to draw me to His heart and to ultimately bring Him glory.  Is it always fun?  No.  Sometimes the journey is tough.  But when I keep my eyes fixed on Him, the waves don't seem so big.  The storm doesn't seem so strong.  There's something about looking at Him that makes everything around me seem so small and insignificant.  Do I always keep my eyes focused on Him during the storm?  No.  Sometimes I take them off and look around.  That's when is start to sink.  Like we all do, really.  I forget Who I am looking at.  But if we could just realize the power to His  There is so much in His gaze.  Look into His eyes and you'll find courage.  You'll find strength.  You'll find love.  You'll find peace.  You'll find the I Am.  The Great I AM.

Theres a new song out by Tricia Brock.  It is beyond amazing.  It's called Always.  The chorus says,
"Oh my God, He will not delay, my Refuge and Strength always...I will not fear, His promise is true, my God will come through always...always."  That song has become my life.  I have kept it on repeat this last week.  It is a breath from Father Himself to my spirit.  He knows all that we go through.  He knows every struggle-big and small.  And He will not delay in coming to our side.  He will not delay to bring us strength, to be a refuge for us in times of trouble.  And He will ALWAYS come through.  ALWAYS.  What a comforting thought.

Sometimes things seem overwhelming.  We all encounter things that are bigger than us.  More than we can handle.  But that's when He steps in.  He shows Himself strong.  He shows Himself true in every way.  And He shows us that He is God, that He is good even when the circumstances are not.  He is still holy.  And more than that, He shows us that He is able.  Our God is able. 

He is the place our soul finds rest in the battle.  Sometimes when the battle is most intense, when we have been injured from fighting, when we are deeply wounded, He steps in.  He becomes that shelter.  He cleans us up, and fills us with strength to go another day.  To keep fighting.  I know in my life, the battles are raging.  Some days they are more intense than others, but one thing remains the same....He is my refuge and strength always. And He WILL come through.  Always.

So I want to encourage you.  If you are in the midst of a battle, if you are wounded, if you are just tired from it all, then do this...lift up your eyes, for your help comes from the Lord.  He will be your refuge and strength.  You can rely and stand on His promise.  He WILL come through.  ALWAYS.

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