Thursday, May 24, 2012

My Publishing Journey :)

A little over ten years ago I started a journal.  My husband and I had been walking through an extremely difficult time with infertility and it was my way of putting my thoughts down. I wrote down all the things I was learning along the way, all the truths that God was showing me, all the moments of freedom I discovered through Him, just a little bit of everything, actually.  My intent was to one day write a book about all that we were learning through the journey we were on.  Deep inside though, I just figured it was a dream and probably would in no way ever actually come about. So I never saw it becoming a reality, but just a journal of reflections I guess.

Fast forward ten years back to last summer.  I'd never forgotten about that journal, but never really thought about it either. I love to write in general. It's why I started a blog! I just seem to be able to communicate better through written word at times. So last summer I felt a little nudge starting to seep into my spirit about writing that book. I kinda kept putting it off, figuring it was just me dreaming again.  However, I really felt God was sending me constant little reminders and nudges to go forward with it. 

As we entered into October, I was feeling a really strong nudging to pursue writing the book. I finally figured I'd think about it, but was wishing so badly I had that journal from  years ago.  We had started packing up the house to move when we sold our house, and guess what I found in the bottom of a box packed away in my closet?  Yep, it was that journal.  THAT was it for me. I finally submitted to what I felt God was leading me to do and went for it.

During all this time I kept thinking back to a conversation I had with my worship pastor.  We were talking about musical things, but the things he said have just resounded in my spirit since that day. In reference to me playing the drums, he made the comment, "I'd rather you go all out and go for it and go big and have an epic fail than to just play in quiet perfection."  I don't even know if he realized just how powerful that was! It encouraged me not just in music, but it has changed my life.  So in regards to this book, I decided to go for it. I decided to step out of my boat of safety and soar on the wings of faith. This was God's story, afterall, and not mine. Stepping out of the boat was scary, but I'm so glad I did.  He has met me and made the whole process beautiful.

I researched several publishing companies and tried to muddle my way through trying to figure out how to even write and publish a book. I ended up talking with someone Westbow Press who answered all of my questions and encouraged me to finish the book and he would follow up with me after the first of the year.  Now I HAD to write! haha  I kept putting it off though.

November came around and all of my crazy sickness hit and took me out of pretty much everything for a while.  Yet while I wasn't actually writing anything, I was still journaling, and even through the sickness I knew God was giving me things then that were to go in the book.

To make a long story short, I ended up finishing the book in about a month.  All twelve chapters of it. I was amazed at how God was just basically writing through me.  I was writing things I didn't even think I knew! But every word was coming out of pouring myself into His word and allowing it to just speak life into me about all that I was writing about.  I had some late, late nights, that's for sure!

After I settled on the publisher it all started becoming a reality.  I was blessed to have a dear friend edit the book for me, and she was a tremendous blessing.  I gave her that manuscript and knew without a doubt that she was going to bathe it in prayer as she read through it.  She will forever be etched into my heart for all she did.

After this long journey, I'm so excited to say that all is complete.  The book actually went live a couple days ago.  It is absolutely surreal.  To be able to see your very heart and soul put into words and published is above my wildest dreams. I"m so grateful that God has brought this all about in His perfect timing.  I'm so grateful for all He does....period.  He's such a wonderful Daddy.

I don't know what God has planned for this book. My prayer is just that it gets into the hands of whomever needs to read it and be encouraged. I really don't want my fingerprints anywhere on this.  Every bit of it is for Him.  I just put into words the story He was playing of my life.  I hope it encourages you and ministers to you in some way as you read it.

The biggest thing I want people to take away from the book is this: while it may detail my particular story, it does go beyond that.  We all go through difficult times of varying degrees, and we are all tempted to withdraw our worship when we do. I hope that my story can be a glimmer of hope that even in hard times, when we choose to continue honoring Him and giving Him our very best worship, He shows up and changes our lives.  We may never get answers to our prayers the way we think we should, but when our eyes are fixated on the only One who is worthy, our perspectives change.  When we can enter His presence and choose to dance with Him when life is going wrong, it will transform us from the inside out.

That's what He did for me, and that's what this book is about.  If you get a chance to read it, I'd love to hear your comments. 

Now, if you want to get the book, you have a few options.  Coldwater Books will be hosting a "Meet the Author" event within the next few weeks and I'll have copies there.  You'll also be able to purchase them from the bookstore after that.  The book is also available online through my publishing company, as well as Amazon and Barnes and Noble.  To purchase the book online, go to the "Books" tab on this blog and use any of the links provided there.  An ebook version will be released in the next week or two as well for all you kindle and nook readers. :)

Thanks for joining me on the journey.  I hope you are blessed along the way, friends!

Much love to you all,

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