Every once in a while we get moments where we realize how precious our lives really are. We are not gauranteed tomorrow. We are not gauranteed the next second. And the point is, we NEVER know when our time on this earth will be up. What we do have, though, is every second that we are still breathing. Every second is a gift from God. Literally.
Today an old high school friend passed away. It was sudden and unexpected. It has left his family and everyone who knew him in shock. And the more I have thought about this today, the more it has become more apparent that nothing I have on this earth will be leaving with me when I die. All the things I work so hard for in this life, they really don't mean much in view of eternity. We work so hard to have nice houses and nice cars and successful businesses. But the truth is, none of those things will mean anything when our time on this earth is over. You can't take your car, or your house, or your business, or your greatest physical treasure. All you are taking is YOU. And I started thinking today, am I living my life to make a heavenly difference in this world? Is what I am investing all of my time, energy and money into, worth any sort of spiritual significance? Am I doing anything to really make a difference in the lives of others to point them to Jesus?
And those questions are heavy on my heart tonight. I don't want to stand before God at the end of my life and tell him about all the nice things I had on this earth. I want to stand before Him and know that I have made a difference in this world for Him. I want to spread His gospel. I want to see lives transformed by the power of His Word. I want to share His love with those in need. I want to make a difference in my generation for His kingdom purposes.
Now, let me just say, I am not saying we can't have nice things. Not at all. What I AM saying, is that our focus should be on Him above all else in this world. Everyday I am given, I want to wake up and take hold of God's hand and walk the paths He has laid out for me. I want eyes to see every opportunity He puts before me to touch others for Him. I don't want to miss it because my eyes are focused on things that are of no eternal value in my life. I want to love my husband and my children like I won't be here tomorrow. I want to live my life with NO REGRETS. I want to lay my head down on my pillow at night knowing that if I don't wake in the morning, it is well with my soul.
So what am I going to do with this? I have to take it one breath, one moment at a time. Making each one count in everything I do. Every moment I'm given with my kids and my husband, I have to allow God to love through me and I have to be filled with Him every second. When I am weak, I have to turn to Him first and foremost to fill me with His strength. I have to live my life in His Word. I have to allow it to penetrate every fiber of my being so that I will always be ready to do what He asks of me. I have to live every second in TOTAL God dependance. Because without Him, everything I do is worthless.
I want His fingerprint on my life above all else. And I want to hear those words when I stand before Him at the end of my life, "Well done My good and faithful servant..."
Keep living...
: )