A holy hunger has been firing up inside of me. It is burning so deep within my spirit that I have become dissatisfied with so many things that once brought me satisfaction. Anyone who knows me well knows that I absolutely LOVE running. It is something that has brought me so much joy that I can hardly find words to describe. I was blessed to be able to complete my first marathon back in December and I must say, it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Crossing THAT finish line was something I had not anticipated to be so emotional and overwhelming. Alot of factors went into that moment, but still, it brought on so many emotions I wasn't quite prepared for it!
Training for a marathon requires ALOT of running. But I didn't mind because I loved it. I looked forward to getting up at 3 am to go meet my friends and get in my run for the day. I had started out at only 3 days a week, but before long I was up to running 5 days a week and loving every single minute of it. I was completely obsessesed with it. I would research it on the internet for hours on end. Looking for ways to improve and anything else that was remotely related to running. Especially endurance. I had gotten to a point though, that I was neglecting my time with Him, but still getting up at crazy hours to go and run. But I just couldn't find the time to spend with Him. Funny how my priorities were just all out of whack!!! I was consumed with it completely. And I'm sad to say, it had become an idol in my heart.
Since my 21 day fast, I can't even begin to tell you the things that have changed in my heart. But running is one of them. I still LOVE to run and enjoy it very much, but my thoughts are not consumed as they once were. Actually, the more I am pursuing Jesus, the less I care about alot of things I once held dear. I have engaged on a pursuit of Him with everything within me. And in turn, He has come to meet me there and my heart is being changed to the point that it is ruined for the things of this world.
Remember the lady who pressed through the crowds to touch the hem of Jesus garment? Ever felt like her? I know I have. I'm at a place right now where I do. It's the place of knowing that touching the hem of His garment is having a life changing encounter with Him. She knew one touch would change everything. So she PRESSED IN and kept pressing until she reached Him and was able to touch him. And the result? She was changed. She was healed. That one touch was a life changing encounter for her. And I know that that ONE touch is a life changing encounter for me. And you as well.
How hungry are we? How far are we willing to go to have THAT type of encounter with Him? Knowing that THAT one moment with Him will forever change us, how hard are we willing to fight to press through and get there? We have to push past the crowds to get to Him. We have to push past everything that stands in the way of reaching Him. We have to release and let go of everything that holds us back or occupies our thoughts and energy above Him.
We must do as Hebrews 12:1 instructs us..."therefore then, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses [who have borne testimony to the Truth], let us strip off and throw aside every encumbrance (unnecessary weight) and that sin which so readily (deftly and cleverly) clings to and entangles us, and let us run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before us." We must "strip off and throw aside" EVERY unnecessary weight and any sin in our lives that clings to us and trips us up. Get rid of whatever holds us back from pursuing Him and running our race. We all have things in our lives that are things I like to call "spiritual suicide". It's the those things that you KNOW if you do it, it is going to cause you to fall spiritually. I have several that I can pinpoint and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, if I do it, my spiritual walk will falter because of it. I have to throw those things aside, those things that cause me to slip. I have to be willing to give up anything that stands in my way of pressing in and pursuing Him at all costs.
And so here I am. I am hungry. I want more of Him than I have. 1 Timothy 6:11 is our urging and encouragement to do all of this. "But as for you, O man of God, flee from all these things; aim at and pursue righteousness (right standing with God and true goodness), godliness (which is the loving fear of God and being Christlike), faith, love, steadfastness (patience), and gentleness of heart." So I pray this over my life, that I would PURSUE righteousness, that I would PURSUE godliness and all of things close to God's heart. Because when I pursure Him and His heart, He's going to change and transform mine to be a mirrored reflection of His.
May we all have hungry hearts. May our hearts become so enthralled with Him that we set out on a passionate pursuit of His presence in our lives. May we press through the crowds to see Him and touch Him and be changed. May we become so focused on Him, that we are ruined for the things of this world.
Keep pressing through!
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