So this was my week to play drums on our worship team at church. I haven't played regularly on the drums in many years, so I always feel quite rusty whenever I play. This past Wednesday night we had band rehearsal and I was a ball of nerves all of practice. I just tried to play a straight beat, no fills, no nothing. Pretty boring actually. But I was scared of messing up so I just played it safe. About the last 15 minutes of practice I felt more free and so I started playing more aggressively and just letting go basically. And my worship Pastor took notice. Afterwards he and I had a conversation and it has etched so deeply in my spirit I can't shake it loose.
I was telling him after practice that how I was unsure of myself and was trying to play it safe so i wouldn't make any mistakes so I didn't do anything but a basic beat. He then proceeded to tell me how he would rather I play aggressively and boldly and have an epic fail than to play safe and have quiet perfection. And I haven't been able to shake that since.
I got to thinking about that in every aspect of my life. But especially spiritually. How often do we play it safe spiritually. We never take chances because we're afraid of failing. We ignore the urges to speak to someone or to step out and do something because we're afraid. So we just play it safe and sit back in a quiet perfection if you will, never making any ripples against the kingdom of darkness.
I don't know about you, but I don't want quiet perfection when it comes to my walk with Jesus. I want boldness. I want to live so boldly for Him that I step out in faith and risk epic fails, but also find opportunities to see His kingdom advanced, rather than to stay to myself, never having made a difference.
Think about the disciples in Acts. They prayed with BOLDNESS. They lived aggressively for the Kingdom. They didn't play it safe. They took chances. They trusted God with great faith. And look what happened. They didn't live with "what ifs" or looking back with regrets. They lived for the Kingdom, and everything they did reflected that.
Think about the blind man at the gate when Jesus was passing through. He could've sat silently just hoping Jesus would notice him. But he didn't. He began shouting to Jesus. He was living boldly. He was being aggressive in his faith. And what did Jesus do? He healed him.
Think about Peter. He acted boldly when he stepped out of the boat onto the water and began to walk towards Jesus. What happened when he took his eyes off of Jesus though? EPIC FAIL......HE SANK.
So what's the moral of this story? It's that living for Jesus is meant to be more than a subdued and quiet reflective state. It is meant to be lived with boldness for Him. Yes, you can live quietly, never take chances and still go to heaven if you've asked Jesus to be Lord of your life. BUT, what are you missing out on by never taking chances? What greater victories have you missed out on because you were afraid? Have you missed the miraculous in your life because you were too scared to step out and see God move?
I have. I know that I have missed some great opportunities in my life because I was afraid. And so I played it safe. And those are my regrets. But no more. I want to live out loud for Jesus in every part of my life. I want to exercise great faith in what I believe He can do. I want to get out of the boat. I want to pray boldly and expectantly. I want to shout out His name even when those around me are silent. Fear has no place in our lives. It cripples us. I don't want to be crippled. I want to run free after the heart of God.
What about you? Are you living boldly for Him? Are you stepping out of the boat? Or are you playing it safe, always looking back on the "what ifs" in your spiritual life? Are you living with regrets because you have been wrapped up in fear? Well no more. Step out! And abandon yourself totally and completely to Him and what He is doing in your life. And what He wants to do through your life. You don't have to be a preacher or a pastor for God to use you. You just have to have a willing heart that is always YES LORD in every circumstance.
He's extending His arms to us from the water today and saying, "Come." Won't you join me?
Live boldly....
Amen Sista.....Amen....I have never once been let down by our Almighty God when I stepped out of my comfort zone and took what I thought to be a risk. Do I do it every day? No, some days are better than others.....and I pray that there are fewer and fewer missed opportunities as I continue to grow in knowledge and love of my Savior.My favorite scripture is 1 Chronicles 16:9 - "For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His". With surrender God increases our faith and with that increased faith comes boldness. Peter got out of the boat...but before that he surrendered His life and all he had and could be....then his faith was increased as he walked beside Jesus watching the was only logical that when He saw His savior and an opportunity to be with Him he lept out of the boat! May we all do what it takes to naturally step out of the boat...may we all not get lulled by the comfort zone missing out on what all God has waiting to do for us and through us. For there is more to this life than living and dieing....more than just trying to make it through the day! Thanks for sharing Stacey! God Bless!Heather Maddox Howell