Tuesday, May 10, 2011

7x70 times....

I'm sure you've read that verse in the bible before.  You know, the one that says, "Then Peter came to him and asked, “Lord, how often should I forgive someone who sins against me? Seven times?”  “No, not seven times,” Jesus replied, “but seventy times seven!"  Matthew 18:21-22

Well that verse has got me on a journey right now.  This year I decided to read through the whole bible.  So I am going through one of those bibles everyday.  It's great because it breaks down Old Testament, New Testament,  Psalms, and Proverbs for every day.  So after 365 days you will have read through the entire bible.  Anyway, to me it's like reading a novel everyday.  Especially the Old Testament.  Some books cause you to scratch your head in confusion, but there are others that tell stories that just blow me away. 

One constant theme I have been seeing is forgiveness and mercy.  Not from people, but from God.  From God towards the Israelites specifically.  Have you ever noticed HOW MANY times those people would turn their backs on God?  He would have mercy on them and rescue them, only to find them back in the same place again not much later.  I have been scratching my head at that because I would have totally just wiped them away and started over after about the 3rd time I had to come to their rescue again.  Good thing I'm not God I guess. :-D   It seems to be a constant theme though.  And every time I just sit back in awe of such a merciful God we serve.  He performed amazing miracles for them.  Amazing!!  I'd like to think that if God parted a sea in order for me to cross over to dry land that I'd be on the "never gonna turn my back on God list" forever!  He led these people out of captivity in Egypt and carried them, providing all they needed.  And after they died and the next generation came along, He still did the same thing.  He would rescue them from their enemies when they would come crying out to Him.  Important fact to learn here....our God is full of mercy and compassion for His children, no matter how many times they fail.

So back to 70x7....Jesus told Peter to forgive that many times because that's what God does.  He forgives when we come asking for forgiveness.  He doesn't ask us to do anything that He doesn't do Himself when you think about it.  And He tells us to forgive like that, because THAT's how He forgives.  But if you're like me, then forgiveness doesn't always come that easy to you.  I might get to 7, but after that my flesh is over and done with and the thought of 70 x 7 is as ludicrous as they come.  BUT, that's what God commands us to do.

Forgiveness is typically defined as the process of concluding resentment, indignation or anger as a result of a perceived offense, difference or mistake, or ceasing to demand punishment or restitution.  The Oxford English Dictionary defines forgiveness as 'to grant free pardon and to give up all claim on account of an offense or debt'.  I love that word...pardon.  Have you ever witnessed someone be granted a pardon from the State?  I have.  And let me tell you, it is one of the most amazing things I have ever experienced.  The slate is wiped clean for that person.  It is no longer on their record.  For all accounts and purposes, it is as if the event never happened.  THAT is forgiveness friends.
I have experienced forgiveness in my life on both sides.  I have been the one asking for forgiveness, and I have been the one granting forgiveness.  And neither side is always fun.  But it is necessary for us as Christians to live holy, consecrated lives.  Forgiveness must be readily available within our hearts at all times.  No matter how many times we are sinned against, we must forgive.
Colossians 3:13
Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

Why?  Because we forgive as the Lord has forgiven us.  How many times have you repeated the same mistake or sin over and over and over again?  And how many times have you gone before God asking His forgiveness?  So why would we think that we could treat our fellow man any different if they ask for our forgiveness?

Oh friends, forgiveness is not an easy task.  It takes a will of laying down our rights and treating others as God has treated us.  And we cannot do it within ourselves.  We must rely on the strength and power of God at work within us.  But there's no doubt about it... we MUST forgive. 

If you have children, then you've probably heard the question from them on more than one occassion..."mom just give me one more chance!"  It's funny, because I used to resound a loud "NO" with that request.  But now, as soon as I am about to utter those words from my mouth I am reminded of the times I have gone before my heavenly Father asking for just "one more chance".  Like I said earlier...our God is full of compassion for His children.  That doesn' mean we won't have consequences for our actions, but it does mean that when we come to Him and ask for forgiveness, He forgives.  
1 John 1:9 says, "But if we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness."   He will forgive.  And so must we.

Keep pressing,