Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Going on a different run....

So I was deep into the heart of my next marathon training. I was down to just a few weeks remaining before race day on April 30.  But something happened along the way.  And I think I can trace it back to that Sunday morning run across the dam a few weeks ago.  Because nothing has been the same since then.

I finished that run that morning and haven't felt the same about running since.  Something happened in my heart that day seeing those spillways and having God speak to my heart like He did.  My heart left the physical race I was training for that day and became completely focused on my spiritual race.  I have been completely consumed with a passionate pursuit of God.  I mean consumed!!!!  Nothing else is measuring up.  I tried to keep running and training for my marathon, but my heart had left it.  So last Thursday morning as I was on what was supposed to be an 18 mile run, I got to 15 and made the decision to lay it down.  And I did it with a  peace in my heart knowing that there would be other marathons later on in my life, but I wasn't going to pass up this invitation from the heart of God to find Him and discover Him like I've never known before. 

Now, if you would've asked me 6 months ago would I ever do that, I would have firmly told you no way.  I loved running too much.  But guys, let me tell you, something happens when you get a glance of Jesus.  When you catch HIS glance, you want nothing else.  And that's where I am.  All I want is to find Him in everything.  And I look for Him everywhere I go. 

Running isn't gone from my life for good.  But I have laid it down for a time.  I used to place it before God.  I'm ashamed to say it was such an idol in my life.  But it was.  I put my runs before everything else in my life.  I was so consumed at training for marathons and everything else that I held it high in my heart.  And it took the place of Jesus.  I got a new perspective at the beginning of this year and finally got my priorities straight.  And I was able to enjoy my runs and keep Jesus on the throne of my heart! :-)  But as my heart has been drawn more and more to Him in these last couple of months, a holy fire has been lit within my heart and it seems every moment I spend alone with Jesus He just continues to pour a holy gasoline on it and cause it become a raging wild fire within my spirit now.  It is one that is consuming everything in its path too.  I mean completely consuming.

But isn't that what He does?  And what He wants to do in each of us?  To set our hearts on fire with His Spirit coming alive within us, and burning away all that is of our flesh and not of Him?  Oh, I believe with all my heart it is what God longs to do in each of us.  I think we just keep our hearts wet with cares of this world and it hinders that fire being ignited within us.  That's where I was for a good while.  But when we let those things dry up and we allow Him to ignite within us, there is no telling what all He will do within us.  And when He sets us on fire spiritually, it becomes a raging, out of control wildfire within our hearts that  forever changes who we are.  It isn't a fire to be afraid of.  It is a fire to long for.  It is a fire to seek after with all your heart.  Oh that His church would be ignited with that fire....think what we could do in this world.

He is calling each of us to run.  Not physcially, but spiritually.  He calls us to come up higher.  To run after Him.  To leave the world behind and to run after Him.  To throw caution to the wind and give it our all to go after His heart with everything within us.  We will find our joy in this pursuit.  We will find that things that used to be so important to us really don't matter in view of finding Him.  We pretty much become ruined for this world after we've had  a taste of Him.  And don't you think thats what He wants to do in all of us?  To give us a taste of Him, so that our appetites are ruined for the things of this world?

Jeremiah 29:13 gives us this promise...."You will seek Me and find Me, when you seek Me with ALL of your heart."  He promises us that we WILL find Him when we seek Him with all of our hearts. 

So, yeah, I'm still running.  But it's a different run right now.  It's a run that's going after the heart of God with everything inside of me.  I want my life consumed with Him.  I want His fire to burn away everything that's of my flesh and of this world that is inside of me.

  Don't just run.  But run with a purpose in your life.  Run after what really matters.  Run after Him.

Run hard....

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Are You Holding On.....Or Letting Go?

Found this article by J. Lee Grady, editor of Charisma magazine.  It was so good I had to repost in my blog and share with you! I think it is a very timely word for the church today. 

It's time to check your posture: Are your hands in the air? True worship requires surrender.

Christians used to talk a lot about surrender. They called it the consecrated life, and they sang about it in hymns such as "I Surrender All," "Have Thine Own Way" or "Wherever He Leads, I'll Go." These songs fueled the missionary movements of the past.

Today? Not so much.

In many American churches, "altars" are a strange concept. They are referred to as "stages," and they are used only for fog machines or music performances. "Altar calls" no longer fit in the time constraints of our trendy 80-minute services. Meanwhile, talk of surrender has been replaced by messages about self-empowerment and self-motivation.

The Good Life has replaced The God Life. The Path to Prosperity has become more popular than The Calvary Road. We are more interested in getting a breakthrough than brokenness.

Yet God is calling us back to consecration. Genuine worship, according to Romans 12:1, involves a wholehearted abandonment of self. Paul wrote: "Therefore I urge you, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship" (NASB).

When priests were set apart for God's service in the Old Covenant, they were "consecrated" in a solemn ceremony. The word for consecration in Exodus 28:41 means "to fill the hand."
The word is a picture of an empty hand receiving God's blessings and then giving them back to the Lord in unconditional surrender.

My question to you: Are your hands open and raised to God? Or are you making a fist? Have you given back to the Lord what He has given you? Or are your hands tightly clenched? It might be a good idea to examine how you are holding every aspect of your life:

Your TIME. Does God have your life 24/7? Does He have your weekends? Have you made room in your life to spend time with Him? Or has prayer been crowded out by your favorite TV shows, time with friends or the demands of work?

Your TALENTS. Are you using your natural and spiritual gifts to reach others for Christ? Or did you hide your talents, like the unwise steward in Jesus' parable? Have you assumed that, because others seemed more gifted, you should be a spectator while they serve?

Your MONEY. The only way to know if you are truly surrendered to God's will is if your wallet is open. A lack of generosity toward God's work reveals a much deeper problem.

Your FUTURE. Are you driving your career plans—or have you allowed God to take the steering wheel? Ambition can take you a long way—but it must be yielded to His will or it will lead to tragedy. You must agree with what Jesus prayed at Gethsemane: "Not my will, but Yours be done" (Luke 22:42).

Your RELATIONSHIPS. Do you allow friends, or romantic relationships, to lead you away from purity, integrity and spiritual faithfulness? The Bible says friendship with the world is hostility toward God (James 4:4). As painful as it may be, true surrender will involve cutting some ties.

Your SEXUALITY. Many Christians believe they can be faithful believers while practicing immorality. Don't buy that lie. Living the consecrated life means repenting of all known sin daily—and fleeing from fornication, adultery, pornography and all forms of lust.

Your CHILDREN. While we have been commanded to raise our kids for God, we also must entrust them to His care. After all, they are really His children, not ours. Once you've done your part, give them back to Him.

It's one thing to give your own life to Christ. It's another thing to surrender those you love to His will and purpose. It requires a whole new level of trust. But it is the path that Abraham, the father of our faith, was required to walk when he put his son Isaac on the altar.

True faith always involves gut-wrenching surrender. I urge you to take the right posture: Get your hands open, lift them up to heaven and say with all your heart: "Lord, I'm all yours."

Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Mighty, Rushing Outpouring...

This morning I got up at 3:30 am, on "spring forward" day.  I met my running group at 4 and we proceeded out on our 16 mile run.  I didn't want to be there.  I would have rather been back in my bed, warm and cozy, enjoying every minute of sleep that I could.  BUT, I survived the early alarm clock, made it out the door and happy to say, finished that dreaded run this morning.  And oh how glad i am that I did.

Part of our run took us across the Wilson Dam.  I've been across it dozens of times before on my long runs.  But today, well, today was one I will never forget. 

This past week was our Kingdom Advancement Conference at church.  God did a mighty, mighty work in the hearts of His people.  We experienced His presence and His Word.  It was wonderful.  It has inspired an even deeper hunger for the things of God in my life.  Not only that, but it has set me on a passionate pursuit of holiness in my life.   that's a topic for a whole nother blog post there.  So let's get back to today.

As we were coming upon the top of the dam, I noticed there were several of the spillways open.  As I got to where I could look over and see them, I saw a mighty rushing of water coming forth.  It was powerful and quite the majestic sight.  As sure as I'm writing this blog, I heard the Holy Spirit say to my heart, "This is what's to come spiritually for My people."  I almost stopped in my tracks.  But I kept watching the water gushing out of the spillways.  It was captivating.  It was a powerful force.  And I felt the Lord showed me how these spillways represent the hearts of His people.  He has been raining down lately, He is waiting for people to open up the spillways of their hearts so that He can pour through.  And let me tell you, it's not a trickle He wants to do.  It is a mighty, rushing outpouring that will change us the root of who we are.  That water current was so strong coming out today.  Nothing could have withstood it.  And that's how it will be in our lives when He begins to pour forth.  Nothing of our flesh can remain.  No sin will be able to stand in it.  It will wash away everything not of Him.  And it will pour over to those around us.  But it has to start in us. 

How do we open the spillways of our lives?  I believe with all my heart it starts with repentance.  It starts when we fall to our knees and acknowledge our filthiness in our hearts.  It starts when we dethrone all the false idols we have placed before God.  We repent of our pride, arrogance, selfishness, lusts, vanity, anger,....anything that exalts itself against the nature and principles of God.  It HAS to start in us.  And we must be willing to come to terms with all the sin in our lives if we are to receive the outpouring that He has in store.

Not further down the road i came upon a smaller stream that had water rushing through it.  It was tiny in comparison to what I had just seen.  It was more like a refreshing stream of flowing water.  And I felt like God began to show me how we have settled for just "refreshing".  But He has soooo much more He wants to pour out.  Refreshing times are good and useful for us, but they don't change us at the core of who we are.  They aren't so powerful that they could wash away anything in its path.

I don't know about you, but I don't want to settle for streams of God.  I want the spillways open so He can flood my life with His presence. I want nothing in my life to be able to stand when He pours Himself out in me.  I want a spiritual tsunami over my life.  I want the mighty, rushing outpouring so strong that Stacy disappears under it, and only the Jesus in me remains when all is said and done.  I want a heart that crys out, "let no sin or iniquity rule in my heart, but only Christ and His Word."

May God stir our hearts to repentance. May He stir us to fall to our faces and cry out for more of Him, more of all He has in store for us.  And may we  not be content with streams in our lives, but earnestly seek after and passionately pursue the holiness of God in our lives.  Greater things are yet to come, greater things are still to be done in this city....because there is no one like our God.  To Him be glory!


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

He is I AM....

In the last 2 weeks our area has been hit with tragedy and loss and heartache and much sadness.  It started with a little girl from my church who has been in a battle for her life.  Ten years old, and has already endured more than most of us will ever have to in our lives.  BUT GOD has been faithful.  We have seen His hand at work in her life, bringing healing and strength even in the darkest moments.  We have watched her parents display the power of God at work in their lives by how they have allowed Him to take control.  They are walking in supernatural strength and peace.  He is and has been all of everything they needed at every moment they needed it.

Then tragedy struck last week as a young mom and her two children were in a fatal car crash that took the mom's life.  It has left our little community in shock.  The 2 children are in the same grade as sweet Greer I spoke of above.  They all attend the same school.  I can't imagine the depth of pain this family feels as they have lost their mom and wife.  I can't imagine the thoughts and fears that some of the children at this school may be facing by all that has happened.  BUT GOD has been shown faithful through it all.  The 2 girls are recovering.  While they still have a long road ahead of them as they bury their mother soon, I am confident that God will show Himself strong to them.  I am confident that they will walk in a supernatural peace that only He can give. 

Our area has also lost 2 other people recently.  One was a high school friend, died a sudden and unexpected death.  His family has suffered loss.  BUT GOD has shown Himself to them.  When I saw them at his visitation I was astounded at the peace they were walking in.  Only God can give that kind of peace.  And then just a few short days ago our community lost another sweet soul to a long fought battle with brain cancer.  Her family stood by her through it all.  They showed what it means to love.  They have been examples of God's strength at work.  GOD has been all they need exactly when they needed it.  And today they lay her sweet soul to rest.  I can't imagine the sadness they are feeling today, but also the joy of knowing their beloved is in the arms of Jesus.

In times like this, nothing BUT GOD can sustain.  He supplies the peace, the strength, the healing, everything we need to take another step...to take another breath.  He becomes all we need, just when we need it.  I have watched this community step up.  Everyday I see post after post of people praying and posting scripture on facebook in regards to what is happening.  And I can't help but think that God is in the process of doing something great through the midst of all these tragedies.  We have truly learned what it means to pray without ceasing as we are constantly lifting up our friends and family who are dealing with such sadness and grief.  We have been brought to our knees.  We have been shown that we never know when our last breath on this earth will be, or our friends, our children, our family. 

Now, more than ever, we are being called to a higher purpose.  It's time to seek after God with all of our hearts.  We seek Him in good times, and we seek Him in the bad.  He becomes the joy in our good times, and then He becomes the strength and endurance and peace in the bad.  He is everything we need.  We must but call upon His name. 

What do you seek of the Lord today?  Do you need comfort?  He says I AM your comfort.  Do you need strength?  He says I AM your strength.  Do you need peace?  He says I AM your peace.  Do you need healing?  He says I AM your healing.  Rest today knowing that HE IS I AM and there is NOTHING too difficult for our God.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Happy Birthday Taylor....

So Taylor turns 9 years old tomorrow.  My baby is growing up.  He came in earlier before he went to bed and asked me to come and read his bible with him.  I got into his room and he had it open to Psalms 40.  So he began reading it out loud to me....

 "I waited patiently for the Lord to help me,and he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the pit of despair,out of the mud and the mire. He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along. He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see what he has done and be amazed. They will put their trust in the Lord."

That child has no idea what he was just proclaiming over his life.  If you know us and know our story, you may not know all the things we have battled with Taylor.  I won't go into detail here, but it has been some tough and intense battles the last few years.  Even the last few months we have been walking through some battles with him.  I believe God has given me some promises concerning my children and tonight just confirmed everything God has been speaking.

I have this verse framed and hanging over Taylor's bed....“And Taylor shall be a disciple taught by the Lord and obedient to His will; and great will be his peace and undisturbed composure.”   Isaiah 54:13
I have been speaking this verse over him daily for the last 2 months.  So tonight, to hear him proclaiming the scripture that HE chose, well, there are no words to describe what is going through my heart.  To see God's hand working and moving in the lives of your children is amazing.

We got Taylor when he was just 19 months old.  I missed the first days and months of his life.  But God has been restoring to me all that I missed during that time.  Tonight was one of the most special moments I have ever shared with him as his mother.  If you know Taylor, you will know that he is known for his contagious smile.  In fact, many people call him "Smiley" instead of Taylor.  He always has a smile on his face and it will brighten the worst of days for anybody that sees it.  I know God gave my child that amazing smile and He gave it to him for a purpose.  He has plans for Taylor that I can't even imagine.  I am just blessed and honored to be given the priviledge to be called his mom.

God is amazing if you haven't realized that yet.  He works miracles.  He brings life.  He brings healing.  He brings restoration.  He brings deliverance.  He simply IS.  And He is more than enough.

Keep believing....